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放风筝怎么读 第1篇






2,风筝二字的读音为feng zheng,风字为第一声调,筝字为第二声调。

读音为fēng zheng






风筝 fēngzheng



1.玩具。一般以竹篾为骨架糊以纸、绢而成,用长线系之,能乘风高飞。 明 陈沂 《询蒭录》:“风筝,即纸鳶,又名风鳶。初 五代 汉 李业 於宫中作纸鳶,引线乘风为戏。后於鳶首以竹为笛,使风入作声如筝,俗呼风筝。”《红楼梦》第七十回:“丫头们拿过一把剪子来,铰断了綫,那风筝都飘飘颻颻随风而去。”

2.悬挂在殿阁塔檐下的金属片,风起作声。又称“鐡马”。 唐 李白 《登瓦官阁》诗:“两廊振法鼓,四角吟风筝。” 明 杨慎 《升庵诗话·风筝诗》:“古人殿阁簷稜间有风琴、风筝,皆因风动成音,自谐宫商。”

风筝的读音:fēng zheng



“风筝”的拼音是fēng zhēng。



【同义】鹞子、 纸鸢。

fēng zheng


明 陈沂 《询蒭录》:“风筝,即纸鳶,又名风鳶。初 五代 汉 李业 於宫中作纸鳶,引线乘风为戏。后於鳶首以竹为笛,使风入作声如筝,俗呼风筝。”

筝读音是fēng zheng。



放风筝怎么读 第2篇

正确的读音是 fæŋ ˈkaɪt, 其中,“kite”是指一种用纸和细线构成的飞行物,与中文的“风筝”类似。


- kite-flying:指放风筝的行为。例如:“We went kite-flying at the park last weekend.”(上周末我们在公园放飞了风筝。)

- tail:指风筝上的尾部,它可以稳定风筝的飞行。例如:“My kite's tail is too short, it keeps spinning in circles.”(我的风筝尾巴太短了,它一直在圈里打转。)

- reel:指卷绕风筝线的工具。例如:“I need to buy a new reel for my kite.”(我需要买一个新绕线轮。)

- string / line:指系在风筝上用来控制高度和方向的绳子。例如:“The kite string got tangled in the tree.”(风筝线缠到了树上。)

- launch:指将风筝放飞的过程。例如:“I helped my son launch his kite.”(我帮儿子放飞他的风筝。)

- soar:指风筝在空中飞翔的过程。例如:“The kite soared high into the sky.”(风筝高高飞上天空。)


- Take to the skies:指风筝在空中飞行的过程。例如:“Watching my kite take to the skies was a thrilling experience.”(看着我的风筝飞上天是一次令人兴奋的经历。)

- Get off the ground:指让风筝开始起飞的过程。例如:“It took a few tries, but we finally got the kite off the ground.”(尝试了几次,终于让风筝起飞了。)

- Fly high:指让风筝飞得更高或达到更高的高度。例如:“My goal is to fly my kite higher than anyone else's.”(我的目标是让我的风筝飞得比别人的更高。)

- Soar to new heights:指风筝达到新的高度或创造新的记录。例如:“We hope our kite will soar to new heights at the competition next week.”(我们希望我们的风筝在下周的比赛中能创造新的纪录。)


放风筝怎么读 第3篇

When it comes to the word 'kite' in English, many people may think of the popular children's toy that can fly high up in the sky. However, the word 'kite' could also have other meanings in different contexts. In this article, we will explore how to say 'kite' in different situations and provide some examples of its usage.

1. Kite as a toy:

When referring to the children's toy, 'kite' is used as a noun. Here are some examples of how to use it in a sentence:

- I remember flying a kite with my dad when I was young.

- Look at the colorful kite in the sky!

2. Kite as a bird:

'Kite' can also refer to a type of bird, specifically a bird of prey. In this case, the word can be used as both a noun and a verb. Here are some examples:

- The red kite is a common bird of prey in Europe.

- The eagle kited high up in the air before diving down to catch its prey.

3. Kite as a financial term:

Lastly, 'kite' can also be a financial term, usually referring to a type of fraud or illegal scheme. In this context, it is used as a noun or a verb. Here are some examples:

- The businessman was caught in a kite scheme and was sentenced to jail.

- The company was accused of kiting its accounts to falsely inflate its profits.

In conclusion, 'kite' in English can have different meanings in different contexts. Knowing these meanings and how to use the word accordingly can help you communicate better in different situations.

风筝的英语发音为fēng zhēng,其中“fēng”发音为“凤”的音调,“zhēng”发音则类似于“征”的音调。


“风筝”这个词可以被拆分成“风”和“筝”两个部分。“风”(wind)是指气流或大气中的动力,例如“It's a windy day today.”(今天很有风。)。“筝”(zither)是指一种乐器,例如“He played the zither beautifully.”(他演奏筝很好听。)。


I flew a kite in the park with my friends.(我和朋友们在公园放风筝。)

The little girl ran after her kite as it soared into the sky.(小女孩追着她的风筝一起飞上了天。)

My grandfather is an expert in making kites.(我爷爷是制作风筝的专家。)

The festival was filled with colorful kites of all shapes and sizes.(这个节日有各种各样大小形状的彩色风筝。)


kite-flying 放风筝

kite-maker 风筝制作人

kite string 风筝线

kite festival 风筝节
